Report, bill, and analyze all activity on your network
Product Overview
Without solid print control, every day, piles of unclaimed prints sit in the output trays of printers, headed for the recycle bin or trash can. Each print costs money, and more paper means more trees cut down. It�s dangerous, too � what if a private earnings report or sensitive HR file is printed, but forgotten? Enter Sepialine�s Argos Print Management.Argos is the simple to install, simple to use print and copy management and tracking solution from Sepialine. Argos� print management features simplify complicated printing environments and provide easy to use tools for printing, like iOS apps and secure release tools that follow you from printer to printer. The embedded application tracks all printing, copying and scanning on your KYOCERA MFPs while keeping users happy and productive with an unobtrusive interface that captures all the detail you need.
Assigning print costs to clients or departments is simple and intuitive. By allowing instant access to the MFP and asking billing questions later, Argos helps your employees stay productive while accurately allocating costs. Argos supports all major proximity/HID formats for One Touch users to log into the MFP as quickly and painlessly as possible. Don�t have a building access card? Use an easy to remember PIN code, like employee ID or phone extension.
For most companies, printing is an obvious and visible place to start tracking and lowering expenses. Argos makes it easy to get started with print monitoring technologies to capture nearly any print job, regardless of how it was made.
Sepialine and Argos are trademarks of Sepialine, Inc.
Sepialine Argos
Tracks everything in your office: printing, copying, scanning, plotting, 3D modeling, phone calls and more - nothing gets missed
User-friendly cost recovery and print management features ensures productivity and operational efficiencies
Comprehensive mobile printing and tracking functionality satisfies virtually any organization need
Integrates with most accounting packages and user management solutions
Tracks EFI Fiery, Creo and other RIP servers natively
Supports Windows and Macintosh environments
Automates reporting and invoice generation tasks, requiring little IT intervention